Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Adyashanti - Being Alone

Adyashanti - Being Alone
Are you ready to lose your world? Because true awakening will not fit into the world as you imagine it or the self you imagine yourself to be. Reality is not something that you integrate into your personal view of things. Reality is life without your distorting stories, ideas, and beliefs. It is perfect unity free of all reference points, with nowhere to stand and nothing to grab hold of. It has never been spoken, never been written, never been imagined. It is not hidden, but in plain view. Cease to cherish opinions and it stands before your very eyes.




  1. Malcolm, if you could make a judgment about him like that, you don't get it anyways...

  2. Get What? Have you taken a vow of silence? Can you at least explain Daniel and anon what I am not getting? The Buddha said he did not teach with a closed fist, try and explain your point so we might all learn something.

  3. I truly agree with Malcolms words: "Those who know don't say, those who say don't know"
    Personally I think that Adya did experience some moments of insight. But hey, so do many of us. WE ALL experience such moments. The curtain opens up a bit, and for a split second, sometime somewhat longer, we KNOW ALL, and ARE ALL. And then the bubble bursts and we're back into our dream "reality". My idea is that Adya thinks his moments of insight are the whole thAng... He blows it into an egoic bubble he calls enlightened. This should maybe be called pseudo enlightenment. I wonder why so many of the (caucasian) westerner meditation teachers profile themselves as enlightened masters with their meditation centers and all. It's just bizniz as usual. spirituality IZ big bizniz nowadays. I'd highly reccommend going to a free (yeah totally) 10 day silence Vipassana meditation retreat by S.N. Goenka. www.dhamma.org and do the work, and realize we don't need a guru/master. We are our own gurus. And THAT is something we all seem to forget these days. Just my thoughts about Adya and some of the pseudo enlightened western masters.

  4. Malcolms words: "Those who know don't say, those who say don't know"...

    Malcolm if you truly listened to enough of Adya's material you would have heard him make this statement over and over. Every criticism you've made of him he addresses over and over...You've either not listened or cherry picked to reinforce your preconceived notions. So typical. I do this myself. Like seems to attract like. Welcome to the party.

  5. Malcolms words: "Those who know don't say, those who say don't know"...

    Malcolm if you truly listened to enough of Adya's material you would have heard him make this statement over and over. Every criticism you've made of him he addresses over and over...You've either not listened or cherry picked to reinforce your preconceived notions. So typical. I do this myself. Like seems to attract like. Welcome to the party.
